What are #ErasmusDays ?

10, 11 & 12 October 2019 : Three days of celebration of the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and beyond during the #ErasmusDays. A unique opportunity to organize an event, share your Erasmus experience or spread the word about your project.

International mobility and European citizenship are once again at the heart of #ErasmusDays 2019. In 2018, 1435 events were held in 39 countries ! 116 million citizens heard about it… So, are you ready to do even better this year ?

Whether you are an Erasmus+ beneficiary, an European actor or an alumni of the programme, #ErasmusDays will give you the chance to share your experience, organize an event or spread the word about your project.

Do you want to study or train abroad ? #ErasmusDays give you three dedicated days to learn about the Erasmus+ Programme and talk with the programme’s alumni who will be happy to share their experiences with you !

Exhibitions, concerts, contests, seminars, partner networking, open days, distribution of Europass Mobility documents, digital events,… Many countries organize a multitude of actions for #Erasmusdays.

There’s not a minute to lose : organize an #ErasmusDays event, participate in one near you, share an event or post a testimonial on social networks about your European experience and your attachment to Europe !

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