#Erasmusdays 2019: coverage & impact

Launched in 2017 for the 30th anniversary of the programme, the #ErasmusDays has become in three editions an unmissable European celebration for citizens and stakeholders of European projects.
On the 10,11 & 12th of October 2019, 3 995 events were held all around the world to celebrate locally thetangible benefits of Europe. The success of the #ErasmusDays has demonstrated the need to communicate European values, mobility’s benefits and Erasmus+ projects results at a large scale in order to be visible by citizens, professionals, media and policy makers.
In 2019, we count more than 53 countries gathered with more than 3 995 events! International players from school education, higher education, adult education, vocational training, youth and sport, have now integrated each year the #ErasmusDays into their strategy.